NCOTC Club Background
NCOTC was founded in 1974 by a small group of dog owners who shared a common interest in obedience. Today, the membership has grown, and the organization is involved in many diverse activities. NCOTC encourages responsible dog ownership, advocating obedience training and participation in the AKC’s Canine Good Citizenship program. Members of NCOTC have many opportunities to take part in programs which are both educational and recreational.
The club offers training classes to the general public on a regular basis. Classes are taught by knowledgeable club members who are qualified instructors and assistants. See Puppy and Beginning Obedience Classes or Advanced Obedience and Rally Classes for more information.
Every year, NCOTC hosts two American Kennel Club Obedience Trials, drawing entries from several states. Many members are involved in putting on the trial – from the planning stage to working at the event. See the Trial Information page for more information.
NCOTC is also actively involved in public service. On a regular basis, members and their dogs visit St. Louis area nursing homes and hospitals, sometimes performing obedience exercises for the residents and other times just offering a little animal companionship. Obedience training for all canine pets is emphasized, as well as responsible pet ownership and basic animal care. NCOTC supports the Canine Good Citizen program promoted by the AKC. The club offers Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) testing several times a year to members and students. Recently, NCOTC added Trick classes and Trick testing for members and students. In addition, obedience-related Seminars are offered. In 2000 NCOTC won the coveted American Kennel Club Community Service Award.